Bell's Two Hearted Ale Clone Extract Kit

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Include Dry Yeast?

It's no surprise that Michigan's most coveted and well-known beer, Bell's Two Hearted Ale, is one of the most popular recipes we put together for customers in the shop. So we made it into a nice little kit to share with the rest of the internet.

If you're not familiar with this popular IPA, it is a classic American IPA that helped shape the entire style and culture around American-style IPAs. The blend of base malt builds a clean malty backbone to allow the hops to really shine, and a pinch of light caramel malt keeps it balanced, not sweet. Hopped entirely with Centennial hops, this beer exudes resinous pine and grapefruit / citrus notes.

You should only have to pay for what you want! So, we sell our kits as a base recipe with a handful of add-ons you can select. Our extract kits always come with all the necessary grain steeping bags. We offer dry yeast options by default due to ice pack needs and shelf life of liquid yeast. If you would like to go with one of the liquid yeasts recommended, select the NO YEAST option and add your desired liquid yeast to the cart separately. If you would like bottle caps and priming sugar, simply check those options under kit add-ons, the caps will be a silver 72-count package. Our kits come packaged in multi-chambered bags to keep costs low. If you would like your kit packaged in a fancy branded box instead, just check the fancy box option.


Malts 6.6 lbs. Briess Golden Light LME
3 lbs. Biress Golden Light DME
8 oz. Briess Caramel 40L malt
Hops 1.25 oz. Centennial hops @ 45 min
1.25 oz. Centennial hops @ 15 min
3.5 oz. Centennial hops dry hop
Yeast Lallemand LalBrew BRY-97
Omega OYL-004
Wyeast 1056


Yield 5 Gallons
Original Gravity (OG) 1.065
Final Gravity (FG) 1.011
ABV. 7.0%
IBU 60
SRM 6.0
Efficiency 72%


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