Briess Caramel 30L Malt

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Pound or Ounce

Malt Type: Crystal/Caramel
Grain Origin: North America
Wort Color: 30 °Lovibond
Moisture: 6.0% max.
Extract (dry): 76.0% min.
Diastatic Power: 0 °Lintner
Usage: 15% max.

Briess Caramel Malts are produced in drum roasters that have been custom designed and engineered specifically for roasting malt and barley. This custom engineering allows for the application of significantly higher temperatures to green malt, which is a must for the caramelization of sugars, uniform temperature application to all kernels, and precise control of airflow and moisture. Full, caramel flavors and aromas are not achievable with kilning. Drum roasters also produce more uniform and consistent results within each batch and from lot to lot—a mark of quality that Briess customers have come to expect.