Briess Goldpils Vienna Malt 3.5L

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Pound or Ounce

Malt Type: Specialty / Base Malt
Grain Origin: North America
Wort Color: 3.5 °Lovibond
Protein: 12%
Moisture: 3.5% max.
Extract (dry): 78.0%
Diastatic Power: 80
Usage: 100% max.



  • Malt Style: Specialty Base malt

  • Flavor: Rich malty flavor, Hint of biscuity notes, Finishes exceptionally clean

  • Color: Contributes light golden color

  • Goldpils® Vienna Malt is a superb example of this classic malt. Less sweet than Pale Ale Malt, it is a rich malty 2- Row base malt that offers complexity and depth with a toasted note at the finish for your classic Vienna, Oktoberfest and Marzen beers. It finishes exceptionally clean and, at 3.5o Lovibond, contributes light golden hues.

  • Use in any beer style that benefits from rich malty character.

  • Goldpils® Vienna Malt is less modified than Pale Ale Malt and less intensely kilned than Munich Malts. As a result it

    delivers malty flavor with less sweetness than Pale Ale Malt and less color than Munich Malts.

  • Sufficient enzyme level to support the inclusion of even the most demanding specialty malts without extending the brewing cycle.

  • Produced in the U.S.A. from AMBA/BMBRI recommended 2-Row malting varieties.

  • Up to 100%: Vienna and Oktoberfest/Marzen beer styles. Ales and rich, full flavored dark beers.

  • 10% or more: All but the lightest beer styles for additional flavor.
    Especially helpful for developing warm, malty and light biscuity flavors.

  • 10-15%:  High gravity beers like a Bock Beer, more in low gravity beers.