Briess 2 Row Brewers Malt 1.8L

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Pound or Ounce

Malt Type: Base Malt
Grain Origin: North America
Wort Color: 1.8 °Lovibond
Protein: 11.5%
Moisture: 4.2% max.
Extract (dry): 80.5% min.
Diastatic Power: 140
Usage: 100% max.


Clean, sweet, mild malty flavor, contributes light straw color. Use as a base malt for all beer styles. Slightly higher yield than 6-Row Malt, slightly lower protein than 6-Row Malt.

Briess 2-Row Malt is malted in small batches, making it an excellent fit for small batch craft brewing. Produced in the U.S.A. from AMBA/BMBRI recommended 2-Row malting varieties.