Great Lakes Malting White Wheat Malt 2.5L

Ships free with orders over $75, or $8 USA / $5 MI flat rate shipping under $75.

Pound or Ounce

This pilsner malt is grown by local farmers in Michigan and processed / malted by Great Lakes Malting in Traverse City, Michigan.

Gives a malty flavor not obtained with raw wheat. Provides a deep golden to brown color. Typical Color L: 2.5 Flavor contributions: sweet, malty, wheat, floury.

Use as part or all of base malt in wheat beers. When using more than 50% consider using a filtering aid for efficient lautering.

5%: Improves head and head retention in any beer style

10-20%: Kolsch

30-40%: Use with raw wheat or wheat flakes in traditional Belgian Wit

50%+: Functions as base malt when used alone or with Base Malt in American Wheat Beers